Dear Reproductive Medicine Professionals,
TSRM's 11th Scientific Congress will be held this year between 16-19 November in Antalya, Sueno Hotels.
The program of our congress, which we started every year due to the positive feedback and constantly high demands of the participants, will be a format with the high academic quality expected from TSRM, with 30 high-profile global opinion leaders and our country's thought leaders, rather than didactic conversations, with presentations and discussion panels on new topics.
You can assure sure that it will be a meeting that is free of repetitions, without overlapping speeches, meeting the needs of continuing education and meeting the needs of the highest level academic discussions, and that you will be very happy to be a part of it as always.
See you in Antalya in November for our congress, where both scientific content and social events will be of high quality.
Barış ATA,
TSRM and Congress President